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About Aindrias:

-Married  to Lisa and we have 4 children

-Elected Td Cork North West in February 2016 and February 2020

-Budgetary Oversight Chair agus ball don 

Coiste Gaolinn agus Gaeltacht.

-Member of Cork County Council since 2003

-Chairman of Blarney-Macroom Municipal Council in 2015

-Son of Donal Moynihan, Former TD for Cork North West, Grandson of Jamie Moynihan

-Degree in Engineering from CIT and H. Dip in Marketing and Management UCC


  You can always count on me to work hard for you. I understand first hand the challenges facing young families , the importance of looking after all members of our society and creating a vibrant community that can provide a first class education and health system, affordable childcare, jobs for our young people, independent and secure living for our senior citizens and protect the vunerable members of our communities.  By supporting local businesses and investing in our tourism and agriculture  industries, we can flourish and create a secure future for all.



My Priorities include:

1.     Improve access to Health Care especially Mental Health Services, disability and community and primary care centres. 

2.Addressing the increased everyday cost of living challenges for people.

3.   Address the needs of young families particularly around childcare costs.

4. A fair chance at education from early childhood through to supports for third level and apprenticeships . 

5. Support rural communities and infastructure; schools, roads, post offices and local Garda Stations to ensure people can live and work locally,and ensuring the vitality of the family farm 

   6.    Tacaíocht d'ar dteanga, culture agus aitheantas gaelach.

7.    Help Older people to stay in their homes with care assistance.

8.   The roll out of high speed internet for all homes in both rural and urban areas, this will help start up small businesses working in rural areas to expand and connect with the wider world. projects and initiatives for climate change.

10. Support local jobs and businesses and increase investment in tourism and agricultural industries.

Election history:


Elected TD Cork North West 2020

Elected TD Cork North West 2016

Elected Member of Cork County Council since 2003

Chairman of Blarney- Macroom Municipal County Council in 2015

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